4th of July Chia Seed Pudding with Strawberry Puree

Happy Independence Day, good ole US of A! This chia pudding is downright delicious. Chia Seeds + hemp seeds + coconut milk + a strawberry mint puree + blueberries. YUM! This is so good and perfect for a spirited 4th. Extra credit for any healthy dessert/appetizer/snack doubles as patriotic table decor, too, amiright? BOOM!

Chia Seed Pudding with Strawberry Mint Puree Blueberries_2

Chia Seed Pudding with Strawberry Mint Puree Blueberries_2

What You'll Need

1/4 cup chia seeds
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1/2 teaspoon stevia or 1/2 tablespoon honey
vanilla bean powder, a dash
6 medium strawberries
1/4 cup blueberries
5 mint leaves

What You'll Need To Know

1. Pour 1 cup of almond milk in a cup or Mason Jar.

2. Add the chia seeds, vanilla and hemp seeds and stir vigorously. Let sit and stir vigorously in 20 minutes.* If you don't stir, the chia seeds will just form a large clump on the bottom.

3. Place in the fridge overnight.**

4. Place the strawberries and 4 mint leaves in a food processor and blend until smooth.

5. Add the strawberry puree to the chia seed cup or jar.

6. Top with blueberries and enjoy!

* If you are crunched on time, you can skip the second stir and just stir vigorously when you are ready to eat it.

** Chia Seed Pudding is ready to eat after 2 hours, but gets thicker over.

Makes 2 servings.


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