Summer Wellness Guide: 16 Essential Tips for a Vibrant Season

Summertime is a magical season, filled with opportunities to savor the finest pleasures in life. Whether you're indulging in a barbecue on a sun-drenched patio while sipping on refreshing rosé or basking in the warmth of the beach with a captivating book, summer beckons us to embrace life's greater joys. It's tempting to let go of our usual healthy routines when the weather is delightful or forget to stay hydrated amidst fun-filled moments with friends. However, a summer focused on wellness doesn't mean you have to adhere strictly to your usual healthy habits. Instead, it's about adapting to what your body truly needs during this season of sun and rejuvenation.

The exciting news is that when you prioritize your health this summer, you also create the perfect conditions for a truly remarkable season. Our goal isn't to burden you with a list that restricts your enjoyment of all the wonders summer has to offer. On the contrary, this checklist is designed to enhance every moment, allowing you to soak up the sun and embrace the fall season feeling better than ever before. Without further ado, here are 16 incredible ways to make this summer your healthiest and most enjoyable one yet!

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    Embrace the Great Outdoors for Your Workouts

    Why not make the most of the sunshine while it lasts? Summer provides the ideal opportunity to take your workouts outside. Whether you prefer running, playing tennis, practicing yoga in the park, or exploring the trails on a hiking adventure, exercising outdoors allows you to break a sweat while soaking up the glorious vitamin D and invigorating fresh air. After a long winter spent indoors, your body craves the revitalizing embrace of nature.

    Safeguard Your Skin

    SPF should be your loyal companion throughout the summer months. Fortunately, an array of exceptional brands offer lightweight, everyday sunscreen options. Incorporating sunscreen into your daily skincare routine is essential since the sun's UV rays are stronger than ever. By safeguarding your skin, you can maintain its flawless glow all year round. SUPERGOOP! Unseen Sunscreen is a favorite here!

    Savor the Season's Bounty

    Not only is eating in season more nutritious, but it's also more affordable and aligned with your body's cravings. This summer, make a conscious choice to enjoy fruits and vegetables at their peak, such as succulent strawberries, juicy peaches, luscious cherries, refreshing cucumbers, sweet corn, vibrant beets, and zesty radishes. For an even greater experience, consider sourcing your produce locally, and supporting your community while relishing in the freshest flavors.

    Explore Your Local Farmers' Market

    Ditch the monotonous grocery store routine and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of a local farmers' market. Summer is the perfect time to discover a delightful array of fresh and locally grown produce that surpasses the taste of its store-bought counterparts. By shopping locally, you contribute to your community's prosperity while treating yourself to the season's finest offerings.

    Unleash the Power of Vacation

    It's time to put your hard-earned paid time off (PTO) to good use. Everyone deserves a vacation, and this summer, make it a point to prioritize time away from your usual routine. Whether you embark on an extended month-long journey or opt for a rejuvenating weekend getaway, relaxing and unwinding is crucial for your mental and physical well-being. Remember, a healthy summer encompasses nourishing your soul and finding balance amidst the busyness of life.

    Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

    If there's one item to tick off this list for a healthy summer, let it be this: staying hydrated. Drinking water may sometimes feel like a chore, but it plays a vital role, especially as the weather warms up. To add an exciting twist to your hydration routine, consider adding an electrolyte or infusing your water with fresh mint, zesty lemon, succulent strawberries, or crisp cucumbers. This boosts the flavor and provides additional nutrients, making hydration an enjoyable experience. LMNT Electrolytes are your trusty sidekick, especially if you're rockin' a low-carb or ketogenic lifestyle. They provide all your body's electrolytes without messing with your dietary choices.

    Embrace the Benefits of Stretching

    Stretching is an underappreciated activity that deserves a prominent place daily. It's not just reserved for post-workout cool-downs; stretching offers numerous benefits. Not only does it help strengthen your muscles and reduce the risk of injury, but it can also aid digestion. Dedicate a mere 10 minutes each day to stretching, and observe its transformative effects on your body and overall well-being. Apps like ALO Moves offer quick stretch sessions, yoga and pilates to help with mindful movement.

    Elevate Your Cocktail or Mocktail Game

    Who doesn't love a refreshing summer cocktail? Picture yourself on a delightful patio, relishing a glass of frosé as the sun sets. This season, take your summer libations to new heights by opting for vegan and organic wines, choosing less-sugary cocktail options, or even embracing mocktails that deliver flavor without guilt. With these mindful choices, you'll wake up on Sunday mornings without the dreaded hangxiety, enabling you to enjoy your weekends fully.

    Embark on a New Adventure

    Have you always dreamt of trying a painting class or taking up Pickleball? This summer, permit yourself to explore a new hobby that has piqued your interest. Prioritize self-care and make time for yourself by pursuing your passions, embracing new adventures, and discovering uncharted territories. A healthy summer involves finding balance and nurturing your personal growth.

    Find Your Perfect Swimsuit

    Make this summer the season of confidence and self-love by finding a swimsuit that makes you feel fabulous. Beach days should be eagerly anticipated, free from stress or self-doubt. Swimsuit anxiety is a real concern, but we can conquer it by embracing and loving our bodies. Embrace the mission of discovering swimsuits that make you feel as amazing and confident as you are.

    Disconnect from Technology

    Summer provides the perfect opportunity to unplug from the constant demands of our phones and computers. Challenge yourself to spend an entire day without social media, and instead, curl up with a captivating book before bedtime rather than relying on screens. Allow yourself the freedom to live in the present moment, savoring the joy of mindfulness and creating lasting memories away from digital distractions.

    Nourish Your Skin through Exfoliation

    Our skin can become dry during the summer with activities like waxing, shaving, or spending prolonged hours in the sun. Give your skin the attention it deserves by exfoliating regularly. Doing so'll lock in moisture, reduce redness, and prevent bumps that can arise from various summer activities. Remember, our skin is our largest organ, and providing extra tender loving care is essential.

    Cultivate Your Green Thumb with an Herb Garden Tap

    into your inner gardener and start an herb garden this summer, regardless of your living space or access to outdoor areas. Even a small collection of fresh mint or cilantro or microgreens grown at home can elevate your culinary creations, making you feel like a master chef in your own kitchen. Embrace the satisfaction of nurturing and harvesting your own herbs while adding a touch of freshness to your meals.

    Reinvent Your Coffee Ritual

    Iced coffee season is upon us, but why not take it a step further and explore unique add-ons for your beloved cup of java? Ingredients like antioxidant-rich cinnamon or collagen for enhancing hair, skin, and nail health can transform your coffee experience. Take the extra initiative to brew your cup of joe using dark roast, organic Arabica beans. Soon, you'll proudly share your DIY coffee creations with friends and family.

    Manifest Your Healthiest Summer Ever

    Cultivating a positive mindset is the key to having your healthiest summer. Take the time to write down all the ways you envision a healthy and vibrant summer for yourself, incorporating ideas from this list and adding your personal touch. Once you've established a clear vision of how and why you seek to manifest a healthy summer, there will be no limits to the incredible experiences and well-being you can achieve.

    Unlock Your Adventurous Spirit: Explore the Great Outdoors

    One more exhilarating tip to add to your arsenal for a remarkable summer: unleash your adventurous spirit and delve into the wonders of the great outdoors. Embrace the thrill of exploration as you seek out new hiking trails, embark on camping adventures, or venture into picturesque landscapes waiting to be discovered. Mother Nature has an incredible way of rejuvenating our bodies and minds, offering a respite from the everyday hustle and bustle.

    Imagine the sense of awe as you conquer a challenging summit, breathe in the crisp mountain air, or witness the mesmerizing beauty of a cascading waterfall. Outdoor escapades provide a fantastic workout and a chance to immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature's embrace. So grab your hiking boots, pack a picnic, and embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery and self-discovery.

    Experience the Ultimate Summer of Wellness

    Remember, life is meant to be experienced, and this summer is the perfect opportunity to create lasting memories. It is a season of endless possibilities, where the sun shines brightly, and nature beckons us to explore its wonders. Incorporating these expert tips into your daily routine can unlock a summer filled with vitality, joy, and a renewed sense of wellness.

    From exercising outdoors and protecting your skin to savoring seasonal delights and nurturing your mental health, each suggestion is a stepping stone to your ultimate well-being. This is not a call to restrict your enjoyment of summer's delights but rather an invitation to enhance every moment, making it truly unforgettable.

    So, let this summer celebrate wellness, whether you're basking in the sun, embarking on exciting adventures, or taking time to care for your body and mind. By prioritizing your health and embracing a positive mindset, you can make this your healthiest, happiest, and most extraordinary season yet.


    Valerie Alvarez

    Valerie Alvarez is the creator and voice behind WellnessBum.  Through her blog and social media influence, she shares bits and bites of food, clean beauty, mindfulness, sustainable living, and travel that are part of her everyday life. Although Valerie often dreams of faraway places, frolicking through cobblestone streets, she is thrilled to call beautiful San Francisco home.

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