Be Kind To Your Mind

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It's World Mental Health Day.

It's a day that is part of  Mental Illness Awareness Week in the first week of October. It is a way for advocates to educate the public on mental health conditions and reduce the social stigma around receiving mental health care through open conversations. This year especially, we must take care of our mental health. We need to remember to be kind to our minds, not just today, but every day. 

I hope you take care of yourself today and every day. I hope you know that needing mental health help isn't a weakness; it is strength to put your health first. It is not a weakness to need medication to help balance the chemicals in your brain. It is not a weakness to need to talk to someone about your feelings. It is not a weakness to not be okay all of the time. You have been through so much; Don't compare your story to theirs.

Your story is valid.

Your feelings matter.

Your pain deserves healing.

You deserve to be genuinely happy.

You deserve to be taken care of.

Be kind to your precious mind.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about one in five adults in the United States experience mental illness in a given year. Problems range from depression and anxiety to substance abuse.

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 51.5 million American adults experienced mental illness within the past year, increasing from 17.7% in 2008 to 20.6% in 2019. Among these adults who have a mental illness, only 43.3% sought treatment.

Research indicates that sexual minorities are at the most significant risk for mental health issues, with 37.4% of lesbian, gay, or bisexual adults experiencing a mental health disorder every year.

Black and Hispanic or Latino communities are also vulnerable. Around 33% of Hispanic or Latino adults with mental health conditions receive treatment in the US each year compared to the average of 43%, and only one in three Black adults who need treatment receive it.

Reminders on World Mental Health Day

Anything that costs you your mental health is too expensive. Look elsewhere.

Your mental diet includes the things you watch, what you read, how you think, who you follow, and who you spend time with. Your goal is to improve your mental health; start by removing the junk from your mental diet. 

Your mental health is more important than your career, your bank balance, other people's opinions, that event you said you would attend, your partner's mood, and your family wishes, combined. If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down. 

Life is more enjoyable when you appreciate how fleeting every moment is. Your brightest moments are fleeting, so you must live in the moment when the sun is shining. Your darkest moments are temporary, so you must never give up when it's raining. 

You have to stop tolerating other people's shitty toxic behavior just because you "don't like confrontation." Avodigin short-term external conflict will only create long-term internal strife. For the sake of your mental health, address it and resolve it, or gorget it and leave.

How to get involved or get help

Read NAMI's information and resources relating to Mental Illness Awareness Week.

People seeking treatment can find providers in their area by reaching out to the agencies below:

Here are pro-active ways to stay mentally healthy:

  • Try to get proper sleep.

  • Watch what you eat: Too much sugar and caffeine can affect your mood

  • Get outside every day among plants, animals, and other people.

  • Get moving, whether that's taking a walk, doing yoga, or dancing with friends.

  • Limit your screen time. Increasingly, therapists are finding a connection between too much technology and depression and anxiety.

Valerie Alvarez

Valerie Alvarez is the creator and voice behind WellnessBum.  Through her blog and social media influence, she shares bits and bites of food, clean beauty, mindfulness, sustainable living, and travel that are part of her everyday life. Although Valerie often dreams of faraway places, frolicking through cobblestone streets, she is thrilled to call beautiful San Francisco home.

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