4 Ways To Get Back On Track After An Indulgent Weekend


Did someone say shots? Now, these are my kinda shots 😉  After a holiday weekend, wellness shots are what we all need! So, this weekend was Easter 🐣 and I'm sure you had a great time. Did you eat your weight in Easter chocolate this weekend? It's ok, don't beat yourself up. We all fall off track. Even those of us with the strongest of willpower may have strayed away from our workouts or regular eating habits. It’s perfectly normal, and we can all relate to this.

Did you eat your weight in Easter chocolate this weekend? It's cool if you did. I'm not judging!

Seriously... It's ok, don't beat yourself up. We all fall off track. Even those of us with the strongest of willpower may have strayed away from our workouts or regular eating habits. It’s perfectly normal, and we can all relate to this.

If you’ve fallen off course, it isn’t the end of the world. it sure might seem like it is at the moment, but it’s not. Rather than freaking out, you must recognize that you want to get back on track. Don’t beat yourself up mentally.

Whether the scale is reading higher than normal, or our clothes fit a little snug, you must do your very best to be compassionate and kind to yourself. When achieving any goal, there will be wins and there will be losses. It’s normal and part of the journey.

The right mindset will make all the difference in getting back into our routine. Here are some smart and simple healthy choices that you incorporate and practice daily that will help you get back on track:

1. Stay hydrated and drink water. Choose water as your drink whenever possible. Water has no calories, tastes great, quenches our thirst, helps flush toxins from our bodies, and the list goes on and on. Choose water. All day. Every day.

2. Get back to a normal sleep schedule. Late night parties and pulling all-nighters can lead to poor sleep habits. Poor sleep can negatively affect metabolism. Try your best to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

3. Write down a small daily fitness goal that includes some type of exercise. If we choose a small goal — go for a walk, get 30 minutes on the treadmill, practice 20 minutes of yoga.

4. Maintain a positive attitude. This might be the most important one! When it comes to successful weight loss, one of the most important things to remember is the power of positivity. Tell yourself that you cannot do something and you won't; however, tell yourself that you can do something and you will! This is true for weight loss too. We are all capable of doing anything we want as long as we believe in ourselves. Keep negative self-talk out of your words and don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad day – tomorrow provides another chance to do things right!

Hope this bit of advice helps! 😘

Image Source: Instagram, JuiceServedHere


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